Sach and Ash's services

Sach and Ash's services

Sach & Ash’s Service’s was established in 2019, we were a determined young couple who had a dream and a vision, and would stop at nothing to make it a reality!

We believe that it is incredible what you can achieve with hard work and consistency. We started our business from the ground up. No help. No handouts. No leaflets. No adverts of any kind...We did have work ethic and worked extremely hard to generate a good reputation for our services, word of mouth through our clients along with the high quality level of our work allowed our business to grow and thrive. We received excellent feedback and became a highly recommended service with a hunger to continuously improve.


From the age of 13 I have always been coming up with business ideas because having a business of my own had always been a dream of mine. 

I never had the belief that any of my ideas would amount to something this big and successful, as with every failed idea I felt that it was less likely for the next to be a success but now I have proved myself wrong and have achieved something that I can be proud of. 

The best thing about our business is that, in a way I feel like it found me, which is amazing because it is something that I love and enjoy.


I feel blessed by our success as when we started I had just found herself in an unfamiliar situation...unemployed, I had never been in this position before, not as an adult. but that was where I found myself after being made redundant 3 years into my role as a area manager at a major supermarket chain.

The reason why I specifically chose cleaning is because it brings me great satisfaction (it does for the both of us). We are already really clean individuals in our home life so it just made sense to pursue with a business doing something that I enjoy so much already, I find it easy to stay motivated because I see it as a hobby, rather than a job!

Sach & Ash. 

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